BMA demands safe-staffing legislation for all sections of the NHS

The BMA has published its election manifesto, which includes a demand for legislation that covers all sections of the NHS, to ensure that individual clinicians do not get the blame when the system puts them under unmanageable pressure.

Analysis by the BMA has shown this winter could be the “worst ever”, with over a million patients waiting over four hours in A&E departments, with almost a third of these waiting for treatment on trolleys. 

The BMA also urges political leaders to increase spending by 4.1% each year; take stronger action on smoking, alcohol misuse, physical inactivity and poor diet; reform the punitive pension tax system for doctors; pay doctors fairly and address historic underpayments; and give the public the final say on any Brexit deal.

Full manifesto can be downloaded from The BMA here, 7 November 2019