ICS leader to review ‘next steps’ for primary care

NHS England has asked Claire Fuller, a GP and executive lead of Surrey Heartlands ICS, to review primary care and set out findings by March 2022, ahead of when ICSs are due to become statutory organisations.

Details issued by NHSE today said the work would ”set out how systems can accelerate implementation of the primary care, out of hospital care and prevention ambitions in the NHS long term plan and drive more integrated primary, community and social care services at a local level”.

It is expected to examine and set out examples of good practice and successful service models, such as integration with community services, connections with urgent care, streaming urgent and non-urgent patients between clinics/practices, use of technology, and involvement of community pharmacy. It may also point to how ICSs can best engage with PCNs and GPs and the structures and skills they might need.

Full story in The HSJ, 10 November 2021