NHS hospitals still using out-of-date MRI and CT scanners

A report by Channel 4 Dispatches programme says that NHS hospitals are still using body-scanning equipment long past its recommended lifespan which could potentially have negative impacts on care.

Dispatches used freedom of information rules to find out how many CT and MRI scanners were in use after the 10-year mark, when NHS bosses recommend they be retired. More than one-quarter (27.1 per cent) of trusts in NHS England had at least one out-of-date CT scanner, a figure which leapt to 34.5 per cent for MRI machines.

Among the potential problems with obsolete units are the need for higher radiation doses to achieve image quality comparable to newer machines, and an end to software upgrades reducing their usefulness, according to an NHS report from last year. Ultimately these and other shortcomings can impact care, the document said.

Full story in The Independent, 18 October 2021