Govt cuts £330m from NHS budget and gives it 13 priorities

HSJ reports that the government has reduced the NHS revenue budget for 2022-23 by £330m, after the Treasury refused to fund the Department of Health and Social Care for additional ongoing covid costs.

A settlement was finalised yesterday, with the publication of the government’s NHS England Mandate and final budget for 2022-23.

The mandate also sets out 13 priorities for NHS delivery in the year, but confirms its objectives will be reset in an “NHS long-term plan update” to be agreed between government and NHSE and “published in summer 2022”.

Last week, NHSE chief finance officer Julian Kelly told the organisation’s public board meeting it had been asked to reduce its spending plans by around £500m to help make up the difference in the wider DHSC budget. It would likely mean slowing down planned improvements in technology, prevention and innovation, he said.

Full story in HSJ, 1 April 2022