A&E situation worsens as hospital beds fill up

The Urgent and Emergency Care Situation Reports (Sitreps) published by NHS England show that for the week 12-18 February the average daily acute bed occupancy stood at 95.5%. This is a further increase from the average 94.7% occupancy a week earlier, and higher than the highest suggested target level of occupancy.

The Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) calculates that based on the latest figures “an additional 11,828 available beds would have been required to bring bed occupancy down to the level considered to be ‘safe’ (85%) in General and Acute care.”

These are the latest revelations as the RCEM continues its excellent, but sadly single-handed fight to focus attention on the continued excessive strain on emergency services and hospital capacity.

Full story in The Lowdown, 28 February 2024