CCGs deficits revealed, prompting fears of a fresh financial squeeze

As the remaining 135 Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) throughout England begin to hold virtual meetings in public and publish Governing Body papers once again, it is becoming clear that many face daunting financial pressures.

Even the limited number of CCGs that have published up to date information show deficits from 2019-20 combining with historic underlying deficits to total almost £1 billion, even before the costs and dislocation of the Covid epidemic are included.

While many CCGs have either not met, or not published any up to date financial figures in the last few months, a quick snapshot survey of CCG websites by The Lowdown (May 25) has revealed at least 13 CCGs with deficits or underlying deficits in excess of £20m (and totalling £654m)..

Full story in The Lowdown, 27 May 2020