If ministers fail to reveal 2016 flu study they ‘will face court’

The Guardian reports that the government faces being taken to court if it refuses to disclose the findings of Exercise Cygnus confirming the UK could not cope with a flu pandemic.

Exercise Cygnus, a three-day simulation involving government and public health bodies was conducted in 2016 and Dr Moosa Qureshi, an NHS doctor, is demanding the government publish its report into the exercise.

Qureshi, who is a campaigner with the group 54000doctors.org, represented by Leigh Day solicitors, has sent a pre-action protocol letter to the secretary of state for health requesting a response by 4pm .

If the government fails to disclose the findings of Exercise Cygnus without adequate reason, Qureshi’s lawyers will seek an urgent judicial review challenging the decision and seeking publication. A crowdfunding page to support the challenge was due to go live on Saturday night.

Full story in The Guardian, 26 April 2020