Articles on safety compromised

Virgin Care ‘asked staff not to report safety concerns’ to health watchdog

By NHS Support Federation | 6th October 2017

A private healthcare firm, which recently took over the contract to run health services on the edge of Bristol, asked … Read more

NHS patients going blind and missing cancer treatments due to hospital failings, report finds

By NHS Support Federation | 5th October 2017

Patients in Cornwall died after waiting too long for heart treatment, while others were left to go blind, according to a damning … Read more

‘Major’ safety fears over lack of regulation for advanced nurses

By NHS Support Federation | 25th September 2017

The lack of regulation of advanced nursing is a “major concern for public protection”, HSJhas been told. The chair of the … Read more

Two junior doctors left to care for more than 400 patients in one night, report reveals

By NHS Support Federation | 18th September 2017

Two junior doctors were left to care for more than 400 patients at a Plymouth hospital during a night shift, … Read more

Strained NHS faces ‘winter of woe’, warn top doctors

By NHS Support Federation | 14th September 2017

A lack of hospital beds means the NHS is facing a “winter of woe”, senior doctors have warned, as new … Read more

NHS funding concerns raised after patient’s death

By NHS Support Federation | 7th September 2017

A coroner has raised concerns over the level of funding in mental health services following the death of a patient … Read more

NHS warns of ‘dangerous’ beds shortage this winter

By NHS Support Federation | 4th September 2017

Patients could die this winter because the NHS is alarmingly unprepared to deal with the surge of people who fall ill during … Read more

The NHS needs more money now or the country will face another winter of discontent – Chris Hopson

By NHS Support Federation | 4th September 2017

Last winter was widely regarded as the toughest for the NHS in recent times. There’s always concern at winter time about … Read more

NHS patients express increasing dissatisfaction with levels of privacy

By NHS Support Federation | 15th August 2017

NHS patients are increasingly dissatisfied with the level of privacy afforded to them in hospital, a new report has revealed, … Read more

‘Serious concerns’ over new bed occupancy target ahead of winter

By NHS Support Federation | 4th August 2017

Leading clinicians have raised serious patient safety and efficiency concerns about a new 92 per cent bed occupancy benchmark for … Read more