Articles on safety compromised

Alarm raised at decline in women’s maternity experiences in England

By NHS Support Federation | 11th January 2023

The Care Quality Commission has sounded the alarm over a “concerning decline” in women’s experiences with maternity services. Fewer women … Read more

CQC – Care Quality Report 2021/22

By NHS Support Federation | 22nd October 2022

The report from the CQC released in October 2022, is that the health and care system is in gridlock and … Read more

Soaring waiting lists and closures: crunch time for social care services

By NHS Support Federation | 29th November 2021

Social care services across England are “rapidly deteriorating”, with waiting lists soaring and councils struggling with care home closures, social … Read more

Midwives receiving less training in key areas of safety and equality, new report warns

By NHS Support Federation | 23rd November 2021

A report from the charity Baby Lifeline, says that across England midwives are still not receiving enough essential safety training with … Read more

Covid patient died in hospital side room: nurses were treating 10 patients each at time of incident

By NHS Support Federation | 18th November 2021

A 73-year-old man died alone in a hospital side room after his breathing tube became detached and his appeals for … Read more

Summer crisis for depleted NHS hospitals

By NHS Support Federation | 12th July 2021

While many campaigners’ eyes have been focused on the football, or the ‘dead cat’ of the Health and Care Bill, … Read more

CQC State of Care Report 2019/20

By NHS Support Federation | 25th October 2020

In October 2020, the Care Quality Commission released its annual State of Care report. The organisation concluded that the care … Read more

Safety watchdog warns that babies dying from treatable infections due to avoidable NHS errors

By NHS Support Federation | 20th July 2020

Babies are at risk of dying from a common treatable infection because NHS staff on maternity wards are not following … Read more

‘Urgent’ reviews launched by NHSE as learning disability death rates double

By NHS Support Federation | 1st July 2020

HSJ reports that NHS England and NHS Improvement have ordered urgent reviews into the deaths of people with a learning … Read more

Seriously ill patients spending hours on trolleys

By NHS Support Federation | 26th February 2020

The most seriously ill patients are left waiting for hours in corridors or trolleys as the NHS struggles to find … Read more