Articles on safety compromised

NHS Hospital wards left with ‘dangerously low levels of nurses’

By NHS Support Federation | 19th January 2017

Hospitals are running wards with a dangerously low number of nurses and are using healthcare workers as “stand-ins”, according to a … Read more

Hospitals across UK cancelling ‘urgent’ cancer operations as NHS winter crisis worsens

By NHS Support Federation | 16th January 2017

Hospitals across the UK are cancelling “urgent” cancer operations as the NHS winter crisis worsens. Some patients have reportedly been … Read more

Crisis, what NHS crisis? Theresa May must stop this denial – Jan Filochowski

By NHS Support Federation | 15th January 2017

A few months into my first job in the NHS, some 38 years ago, I watched Prime Minister Jim Callaghan … Read more

Private beds bought to cope with lack of mental health beds in Devon

By NHS Support Federation | 13th January 2017

Attempts to cope with a lack of mental health hospital beds in Devon, which include purchasing private beds, has been … Read more

How the ‘humanitarian’ crisis in the NHS is paving the way for private healthcare

By NHS Support Federation | 12th January 2017

It has been a calamitous winter inside the NHS.  Last week, three people tragically died at Worcestershire Royal hospital with … Read more

More than 20 NHS hospitals on ‘black alert’ amid reports of patients left in ambulances

By NHS Support Federation | 12th January 2017

Overcrowding in NHS hospitals has become so severe that last week more than 20 trusts issued ‘black alerts’, meaning they … Read more

Struggling hospitals brace for further spike in demand during cold snap

By NHS Support Federation | 12th January 2017

Freezing temperatures across the UK risk plunging struggling hospitals into a deeper crisis as the NHS enters its busiest three … Read more

Patients’ beds taken DURING operations at Royal London hospital

By NHS Support Federation | 12th January 2017

Patients at the biggest hospital in Europe are returning from operations to find their bed already taken by another person, … Read more

‘The worst conditions in memory’: NHS doctors describe a week in A&E

By NHS Support Federation | 9th January 2017

The Guardian asked a number of doctors working in A&E departments across the country to explain how their departments have … Read more

Doctors accuse Theresa May of being ‘in denial’ over NHS hospital crisis

By NHS Support Federation | 8th January 2017

Healthcare unions have disputed the pertinence of Theresa May’s claim that NHS funding is at record levels, saying she is … Read more