Articles on a return to top-down control

Stop Smoking Services at threat as funding comes under pressure

By NHS Support Federation | 20th January 2016

Around forty per cent of local authorities in England are cutting budgets to stop smoking services according to a new … Read more

How public health cuts could leave Stop Smoking Services under threat

By NHS Support Federation | 14th January 2016

As part of the 2012 Health and Social Care Act, money for Stop Smoking Services – and responsibility for running … Read more

North London council plans reveal 60% public health cuts by 2018

By NHS Support Federation | 8th December 2015

A north London council has laid out proposals to cut public health services including health visiting, drug and alcohol, and … Read more

Annual public health funding cut of 4% branded ‘short-sighted’

By NHS Support Federation | 27th November 2015

Public health spending will be cut by 4% a year in real terms, as part of the government’s spending review. … Read more

George Osborne’s short-term relief for the NHS falls short of a cure

By NHS Support Federation | 26th November 2015

The chancellor’s promise of more cash for the NHS masks substantial cuts outside the core funding, while the increase fails … Read more

Cuts to local authority public health budgets threaten vital services and the sustainability of the NHS

By NHS Support Federation | 6th November 2015

The Department of Health have announced plans to go ahead with their proposed cut to the public health budget in … Read more

NHS spending: squeezed as never before – by John Appleby

By NHS Support Federation | 20th October 2015

Next month the government will set out its plans for public service spending through to 2020. The indications are that … Read more

More NHS services will be ‘rationed’ under ministers’ plans

By NHS Support Federation | 30th September 2015

Government plans for NHS ‘efficiency savings’ cannot be delivered without rationing of services, Labour’s new shadow health secretary has warned. … Read more

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS trust told ‘no mental health beds available

By NHS Support Federation | 7th September 2015

An NHS trust was told there were no mental health beds available across England, its medical director has said. Dr … Read more

UK Faculty of Public Health response to the Department of Health consultation on Local authority public health allocations 2015-2016

By NHS Support Federation | 28th August 2015

FPH welcomes the Prime Minister‘s commitment to increase NHS spending in real terms every year in this Parliament, rising to … Read more