Articles on a return to top-down control

Sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) explained – The King’s Fund

By NHS Support Federation | 2nd December 2016

Sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) were announced in NHS planning guidance published in December 2015. NHS organisations and local authorities in … Read more

Further attack on Shropshire NHS masterplan

By NHS Support Federation | 30th November 2016

A blueprint for the future of health services in Shropshire has been dismissed as being a “cuts programme” including “all … Read more

Shropshire councils refuse to endorse ‘insufficiently developed’ STP

By NHS Support Federation | 30th November 2016

Two Shropshire councils have refused to endorse the region’s 73-page draft STP, saying that it is insufficiently developed. Shropshire Council … Read more

No jam today, and no jam tomorrow either, by Anita Charlesworth and Richard Murray

By NHS Support Federation | 30th November 2016

Policy ambition and public funding don’t add up in either the short or long term – and the result spells … Read more

Shropshire NHS transformation plan launch challenged by councils

By NHS Support Federation | 28th November 2016

Too vague and not properly developed – that is the damning verdict given today about the NHS plan by both … Read more

Future of Darlington Memorial Hospital A&E and maternity services hang in the balance

By NHS Support Federation | 27th November 2016

The future of Darlington Memorial Hospital’s A&E and consultant-led maternity unit hangs in the balance today after a draft NHS … Read more

Care for elderly ‘close to collapse’ across UK as council funding runs out

By NHS Support Federation | 26th November 2016

Theresa May is under intense pressure from senior doctors and a powerful cross-party alliance of politicians to avert a collapse … Read more

Citizens must get a say in NHS sustainability and transformation plans

By NHS Support Federation | 25th November 2016

The public has been locked out of the plans so far, but it’s not too late to increase engagement in … Read more

Labour pours scorn over autumn statement for ignoring sick and old

By NHS Support Federation | 24th November 2016

John McDonnell accused the chancellor of failing the sick and elderly after his autumn statement gave no additional money to … Read more

Cambridge cuts plan confirms Tory plot to destroy our NHS

By NHS Support Federation | 23rd November 2016

Shock plans for the sell-off of the NHS were uncovered yesterday when NHS bosses published a proposal to reduce reliance … Read more