Articles on a return to top-down control

Cutting hospital beds would be “lunacy,” warns senior emergency doctor

By NHS Support Federation | 25th January 2017

Plans to reduce bed capacity in some NHS hospitals are “lunacy” against the current backdrop of rising demand and high … Read more

Is the NHS in crisis?

By NHS Support Federation | 24th January 2017

The chairman of the Leeds Health Scrutiny Board certainly thinks so. In a letter to the Yorkshire Evening Post, Coun … Read more

Combined health and social care organisation poses ‘financial risk’ to local authority

By NHS Support Federation | 19th January 2017

A pioneering NHS service that promised to save millions of pounds by creating and testing the first combined health and … Read more

More than 7,000 nurses could face axe under secret NHS plans

By NHS Support Federation | 19th January 2017

More than 7,000 nurse posts could be axed from NHS hospitals across the country despite a mounting Accident & Emergency crisis, … Read more

How the ‘humanitarian’ crisis in the NHS is paving the way for private healthcare

By NHS Support Federation | 12th January 2017

It has been a calamitous winter inside the NHS.  Last week, three people tragically died at Worcestershire Royal hospital with … Read more

Theresa May ignores NHS warnings at her peril After years of restraint, it is now imperative to spend more on health – The FT View

By NHS Support Federation | 12th January 2017

Another winter freeze hits Britain, another winter crisis looms in the National Health Service. Hospitals are cancelling outpatient appointments and … Read more

NHS transformation plans: Cuts or change for better?

By NHS Support Federation | 21st December 2016

The process has been bubbling along beneath the radar for months. The Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) across the NHS … Read more

BMA demands healthcare plan detail

By NHS Support Federation | 20th December 2016

The Government must show leadership and spell out the detail of how health and social care reform will be achieved, … Read more

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to close Integrative Care beds

By NHS Support Federation | 20th December 2016

Scotland’s largest health board has voted to close inpatient beds at a Glasgow site which previously operated as the Homeopathic … Read more

NHS buckling under mismatch of demand and funding, says report

By NHS Support Federation | 20th December 2016

    The NHS in England is buckling under a mismatch between soaring demand for care and levels of funding, … Read more