7. Greater Manchester

ICS to be developed

The NHS ten-year long-term plan published in January 2019 stated includes the development of integrated care systems (ICS) across England, in which healthcare organisations, including acute, community and primary care, and social care and public health will work closely together. These ICS are to evolve from the STP areas and be in place by April 2021.

The chief executives of NHS England and NHS Improvement had already written to all STP leaders in October 2018, instructing them to come up with new five year STP plans by autumn 2019. The new five-year plans will replace those which were previously drawn up based on the previous five year funding settlement to 2020-21.

The new five year STP will be developed based on a new NHS England budget. These plans will now feed into the development of the ICS.

The ICS will develop either through a number of alliance contracts or through a single provider being in charge of integration of services - an integrated service provider (ICP).

For more information on ICS see our briefing page here.

NOTE: The information on this page relates to the original STP drawn up in 2016; much of the information is still relevant, however, and is likely to be part of any ICS.

What does the STP mean for your area?

Health planners are trying to reduce NHS deficits and think about ways to re organise care. However getting the large deficits under control could prevent facilities being developed that can cope with the health and care social needs of local people.

Proposed cuts

Fifty beds will be cut at the Royal Bolton Hospital and patients will be forced to travel to Salford for emergency care.

Services cut for patients with serious congenital heart conditions at Manchester Royal Infirmary due to a lack of staffing. Those awaiting operations will need to travel up to 150 miles.

A reconfiguration of urgent and emergency care could lead to the closure of some urgent care centres. Two walk-in centres will shut in Bury and Prestwich and resources moved to NHS 111, GP surgeries and A&E departments.

Changes in who organises our care

A partnership between Manchester City Council and a newly formed CCG advertised a ten year contract worth £6 billion to run out-of hospital care in the entire Greater Manchester devolution region. The organisation will be known as a Local Care Organisation. The only bidder for the contract was the Manchester Provider Board, a consortium of NHS organisations in the city.