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1400 empty NHS beds in 82 ‘ghost wards’

By NHS Support Federation | Apr 13, 2018

Full Story in The Guardian 13 April 2018 Hospitals are mothballing scores of wards, closing them to patients despite the … Read more

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Revealed: 10 worst A&Es for waits

By NHS Support Federation | Apr 12, 2018

Full Story in BBC 12 April 2018 A&E waiting times have reached their highest levels in England – as a … Read more

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NHS hits new low as Trusts’ A&E performance goes sub 50 per cent

By NHS Support Federation | Apr 12, 2018

Full Story in The HSJ 12 April 2018 NHS performance against the four hour accident and emergency target hit its … Read more

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‘Eternal winter’ for NHS revealed by A&E waiting time figures

By NHS Support Federation | Apr 12, 2018

Full Story in The Guardian 12 April 2018 A record low in A&E treatment performance by the NHS has prompted … Read more

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Hospitals struggle to admit as long waits soar

By NHS Support Federation | Apr 12, 2018

 Full Story in HSJ 12 April 2018 The number of over one year waiters on the English waiting list shot … Read more

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Hundreds of cancer procedures cancelled over winter by NHS trusts

By NHS Support Federation | Apr 3, 2018

Full Story in The Guardian 3 April 2018 Hundreds of cancer operations were cancelled by English NHS trusts during winter, … Read more

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British Medical Association says NHS is facing year-round crisis

By NHS Support Federation | Apr 2, 2018

Full Story in The Guardian 2 April 2018 The unprecedented pressure on the NHS this winter is likely to continue … Read more

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Next year’s A&E targets will be impossible to meet says health trusts

By NHS Support Federation | Mar 29, 2018

Full Story in The Guardian 29 March 2018 NHS plans for the coming year will be impossible to deliver despite … Read more

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Stroke reconfiguration plans cause concerns.

By NHS Support Federation | Mar 29, 2018

Full Story at HSJ 29 March 2018 Senior clinicians and local campaigners have raised safety concerns over plans for a … Read more

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