Judicial Review : Latest News

Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL

19th & 20th September 2016

Junior doctors and their supporters will rally outside the High Courts at 8am on the first day of the hearing with a visual demonstration of how the government are playing games with the NHS and trying to get something for nothing.


  • Justice for Health was founded in March 2015 by five frontline junior doctors to mount a legal challenge against the imposition of an unsafe and unsustainable contract on Junior Doctors by the Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt, the Secretary of State for Health (SOS).
  • A record breaking £300,000 was raised by over 10,000 donations through the online crowd-funding platform CrowdJustice.
  • The SOS intends to impose the disputed contract on all junior doctors in England from October 5th 2016. NHS frontline staff and academics have rejected this contract as it is considered unsafe, unsustainable and undeliverable.
  • The SOS’s insistence on imposition has led to the doctors’ union calling to drop imposition in order to prevent any further industrial action.

Their team of lawyers will put three public law arguments to the judge that the SoS has:

  1. acted outside of his powers
  2. failed in his duty of clarity to parliament and the public
  3. been irrational in decision-making

For full press release see Justice For Health 19 September 2016