Cuts in services

How public health cuts could leave Stop Smoking Services under threat

14th January 2016

As part of the 2012 Health and Social Care Act, money for Stop Smoking Services – and responsibility for running … Read more

New wave of practice closures could mean 25,000 patients lose their GP

7th January 2016

Tens of thousands of patients could be forced to register with another GP, as several practices prepare to close their … Read more

A&Es hit by children’s mental health crisis

28th December 2015

The dire state of care for children with mental illnesses is revealed today, as figures show the numbers arriving at … Read more

North London council plans reveal 60% public health cuts by 2018

8th December 2015

A north London council has laid out proposals to cut public health services including health visiting, drug and alcohol, and … Read more

Annual public health funding cut of 4% branded ‘short-sighted’

27th November 2015

Public health spending will be cut by 4% a year in real terms, as part of the government’s spending review. … Read more

Medical training and public health budget hit as chancellor slashes non-NHS funding

26th November 2015

The Government is cutting the Department of Health’s budget for non-frontline services such as medical training and public health by … Read more

George Osborne’s short-term relief for the NHS falls short of a cure

26th November 2015

The chancellor’s promise of more cash for the NHS masks substantial cuts outside the core funding, while the increase fails … Read more

Government cuts to sexual health services could cost NHS ‘billions’ over next decade

18th November 2015

The Government’s planned cuts to public health budgets could end up costing the health service in the region of £3.5bn … Read more

Cuts to local authority public health budgets threaten vital services and the sustainability of the NHS

6th November 2015

The Department of Health have announced plans to go ahead with their proposed cut to the public health budget in … Read more

Only support service for vulnerable people with HIV in Leeds to be axed by city council

17th October 2015

Leeds’ only HIV support service faces closure, prompting fears it could leave hundreds of vulnerable people at risk. BHA Leeds … Read more

Maternity services overworked, understaffed and struggling to cope shows senior midwives survey

14th October 2015

Maternity unit closures, budget and training cuts and reduced services are among the issues highlighted by a survey of UK … Read more

More NHS services will be ‘rationed’ under ministers’ plans

30th September 2015

Government plans for NHS ‘efficiency savings’ cannot be delivered without rationing of services, Labour’s new shadow health secretary has warned. … Read more

GP funding withdrawn as direct result of Government public health cuts, says local council

22nd September 2015

Public health commissioners were forced to cap funding of GP-run NHS Health Checks as a direct result of the Government’s … Read more

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS trust told ‘no mental health beds available

7th September 2015

An NHS trust was told there were no mental health beds available across England, its medical director has said. Dr … Read more

UK Faculty of Public Health response to the Department of Health consultation on Local authority public health allocations 2015-2016

28th August 2015

FPH welcomes the Prime Minister‘s commitment to increase NHS spending in real terms every year in this Parliament, rising to … Read more

Slashed budgets and STIs: The painful truth about birth control services in Britain today

17th June 2015

‘Very worrying for sexual health, as well as other services: Government announces £200m cuts to public health budget.’ So tweeted … Read more