5 reasons for the financial crisis on the NHS

A short explantion of how the NHS is running out money

The NHS needs annual rises of about 4% to cope with increases.

Over the last five year its go an average of 0.9%.

The same level of expenditure is planned over the next 5 years.

Economists estimate this will leave the NHS short of around £22bn.

We could bridge this gap by spending the same as other simlar countries like Germany who spend 15% more per head than the UK.

This explains why the UK lags behind in the number of staff and hospital beds that it has too.Instead of raising funding the governemtn are adding to the pressure by demanding huge saving, when services are already overtsetched and not meeting the needs of patients.

Mission Impossible? The task for NHS Providers in 2017/2018

By NHS Support Federation | 22nd March 2017

The 2017 Budget on 8 March confirmed that, while there was extra money for social care and a small amount … Read more

HSJ Exclusive: Trusts rejected ‘irresponsible’ savings targets of up to 10pc

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Providers that rejected their financial targets for next year had been tasked with delivering efficiency savings three times higher than … Read more

West Cumbrian MP raises local healthcare concerns with Health Scrutiny Committee

By NHS Support Federation | 22nd March 2017

Sue Hayman, Member of Parliament for Workington, has written to Cllr Neil Hughes, the chair of Cumbria County Council’s Health … Read more

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