Safety compromised

…of Commons Health and Social Care Committee report – The Safety of Maternity Services in England – made a number of recommendations to improve safety in maternity services. It recommended…

Deskilling the workforce

practices across the UK to: “halt the additional recruitment and deployment of PAs into general practice until PAs are regulated and practices are in a position to implement the RCGP’s…

Questions the government must answer

…into the future. Please support the campaign in any way that you can. More: 9 effects of underfunding Key funding facts International comparison…

Many NHS staff face charge for Covid tests

…healthcare providers – ie private companies – may receive free covid tests at the taxpayer’s expense. And tellingly, missing from the small list of groups who can still access free

36. Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

…these hubs will “be one stop assessment centres for the frail elderly (replacing outpatient clinics), focusing on: comprehensive geriatric assessment; re-ablement and rehabilitation; prevention (co-opting third sector and community resource)…