Focus on the ICBs in the East of England

Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes

The Integrated Care System (ICS) had submitted a plan to NHS England projecting a balanced budget (break even) for 2024/25 (p21), one of the few systems in the country to do this. However this requires “efficiencies” of just over 6% at £106m, with “unmitigated risks” of around £55m.

However by month 2 the system was £3.4m adverse to plan, and at month 3, that increased again to £6m off plan. The ICB blames “premium staffing costs” and loss of income for the deficit for the first three months of the year.

By Month 4 (July) NHS organisations hosted within the system were reporting a £9.1m deficit year to date, but forecasting break-even against plan for the year.  However the ICB was warned that

“Without action, the system will deliver a year-end deficit, not least because of the still “unmitigated risk of £55.7m,” and new financial risks that had emerged, including industrial action, enduring Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) pressures, investment required following recent CQC findings, and the premium costs required to support delivery of the 65week wait performance target. (p114)

Full round-up on The Lowdown, 5 November 2024