Delays to treatment

Why contracting out to private health providers doesn’t always work

16th March 2016

The NHS (Reinstatement) bill received its second reading in parliament last week. Its aim is to reverse the creeping privatisation … Read more

Eye risk from ‘overstretched NHS’

16th March 2016

Eye specialists say hundreds of patients suffer irreversible sight loss every year in England because services are overstretched and under-resourced. … Read more

NHS records worst ever performance figures

15th March 2016

The NHS recorded its worst ever performance in the first month of the year as services struggled to cope with … Read more

Why are more children being prescribed antidepressants? Funding cuts

14th March 2016

New research published this week shows that between 2005 and 2013 there was a 54% increase in the number of children and … Read more

Hospital on black alert as patients face diversions and long waits in A&E

26th February 2016

A hospital has been placed on the highest level of alert as it battles to control demand from patients and … Read more

Winter Pressure: What’s going on behind the scenes

18th February 2016

Starting in early December each year, so-called NHS ‘winter pressures’ make the headlines. Attention invariably tends to be focused solely … Read more

Leaked report reveals scale of crisis in England’s mental health services

15th February 2016

A leaked report by a government taskforce has painted a devastating picture of England’s mental health services, revealing that the … Read more

Diagnostic Radiology: Our patients are still waiting…..

1st February 2016

Summary and Main Findings Prompt diagnosis of serious medical conditions such as cancer is essential to give patients the best … Read more

‘I didn’t matter’: the long wait for mental health treatment

28th January 2016

I’ve always been a worrier, back into my teens,” said Helen Convery, 43, a radiographer from Epsom who has seen … Read more

Spike in mental health patient deaths shows NHS ‘struggling to cope’

27th January 2016

A sudden spike in the number of mental health patients dying unexpectedly in NHS care has prompted calls for a wide-ranging investigation … Read more