East Cheshire Trust has confirmed to HSJ that the board no longer believes the organisation is sustainable in its current form.
The trust said it would be unable to turnaround its financial performance under the existing payment by results tariff. Discussions about its future have included considering the feasibility of it becoming an accountable care organisation for the eastern Cheshire health and social care economy.
John Wilbraham said the trust is exploring ‘the viability of an accountable care organisation’
Across the Cheshire and Merseyside sustainability and transformation plan area, work is due to start this month on a review of clinical services by medical directors to help determine what the future configuration will look like.
East Cheshire Trust has an annual turnover of £172m and reported a deficit of £24m in 2015-16. It has a forecast deficit this year of £20m.
Full story in the HSJ 22 July 2016