16. The Black Country
In October 2018, the chief executives of NHS England and NHS Improvement wrote to all STP leaders instructing them to come up with new five year STP plans by autumn 2019. The new five-year plans will replace those which were previously drawn up based on the previous five-year funding settlement to 2020-21. The new five year STP will be developed based on a new NHS England budget.
The letter notes that “It will be extremely important that you develop your plans with the proper engagement of all parts of your local systems and that they provide robust and credible solutions for the challenges you will face in caring for your local populations over the next five years.”
NOTE: The information on this page relates to the original STP drawn up in 2016, however much of the information is still relevant and could be part of the new STP.
What does the STP mean for your area?
Merging of Sandwell and City district hospitals by October 2018 into the Midland Metropolitan Hospital.
Only the Midland Metropolitan Hospital will have an A&E, reducing the number of A&Es in the area.
The new Midland Metropolitan Hospital maternity service will replace the Serenity Unit and labour wards at City Hospital.
The back pain and arthritis service at Walsall Manor hospital will be cut, as it is deemed to be unsustainable.
Closure of Walsall urgent care centre although it was only opened in 2016.
Changes in who organises our care
The STP includes the development of two multispeciality community providers (MCPs) in Dudley and Sandwell and West Birmingham, however the aim is to explore the use of this model across the whole population by April 2019, including in Walsall and Wolverhampton. In June 2017, a 15-year MCP contract worth £5 billion was advertised by Dudley CCG and Dudley Metropolitan Council.